Chris Walters
- PMO and the PPM ecosystem – aligning the needs of the organisation with the PMO capability
- Governance systems and frameworks that aid portfolio decision-making and delivery progress
- PPM tooling architecture and implementation
My primary area of interest and expertise is in ensuring that an organisation is holistically and sustainably in the best shape possible to deliver the projects that it invests in and achieves the outcomes that make a difference.
So many projects struggle, not because of poor project management, but because of poor environmental support for the projects. I have implemented PPM systems and tools, governance models, communities of practice, portfolio resource management, centres of excellence and of course PMOs that are specifically designed to solve the “too many projects fail” problem.
My 25+ years of hands-on experience in managing projects, portfolios and PMOs, together with experience and training as a mentor ensures that I can bring depth and breadth of knowledge to bear to help your business.