Level 3

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“Personally, I will be able to better describe the PMO I work in and the tasks I undertake. In my role, I would like to create connections with other PMOs within the organisation so we are more joined up and can utilise one another’s knowledge and resources”

Level 2

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“I’ve got a plan of action! I will get our team together and go through the 22 service domains and RAG them in terms of what we want to do against what we don’t want to do and also the priority of those we choose. That way we can formulate a plan to roll out …

Level 2

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“I got the most benefit from the PMO Service Catalogue. It’s a tangible and practical approach to supporting programmes/ projects and ensuring that the organisation’s business objectives are met.”

Level 2

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“The course content was rich, the trainer was able to cover any PMO topic, her knowledge and experience are outstanding.”


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“It made me realise that this knowledge needs to be shared with the wider organisation. One of my colleagues is pursuing how we engage a wider audience.”

Level 2

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“Trainer was very experienced in PMO and able to provide good examples to support learning. She got everyone in the group involved and working with one another and enabled knowledge sharing between the group.”


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“My team loved it. Bringing a trainer in on site meant they spent time together as a team, they got excited and enthused over what we could do and putting our world to rights was a powerful exercise for them all.”

Level 2

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“Found the course very good and made so because of the delivery of the training. Eileen was extremely passionate about PMO and it came across in her training, she was very engaging and ensured that we were all engaged and made lots of real life references where things were a bit unclear.”

Level 2

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“Excellent delivery, kept it engaging as Eileen was so passionate about it. Great stories, real-life examples, excellent explanation, patience AND most importantly – FAB sense of humour 🙂 “