We recently contributed to a piece for Arras People – the project management recruitment specialists – about staying active when in isolation. At the moment it’s too early for people to be thinking about how they’ll be working from home for the long term – right now it’s all about adjusting and getting used to it.
When things are a little more settled there will naturally be thoughts about how to make the most of the time when you’re not commuting – or how to break up our work time so we can stay focus on the important tasks.
Just in a few short days, I’ve realised just how many times I was interrupted in an average working day with phone calls, emails, meetings. Suddenly things have gone quieter and I’ve been able to really focus on a task. As a result, it’s taking me less time to get work done which is giving me time to think about new skills or enhancing the old skills I have.
We talked about the new normal for PMO Learning and then it occurred to me that there are many different ways of pursuing online learning that you might not be aware of.
Virtual Classroom Training
PMO Learning are opting for a virtual classroom approach – sometimes known as Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Virtual classroom courses are literally the same as any other classroom training except it’s online.
Everything else remains the same – live instructor; other people on the course with you; it’s run on a specific date and time; it’s got course materials and exercises.
It’s not eLearning – that’s the self-paced courses that you can do at any time – prerecorded with minimal interaction (there’s normally some quizzes to do)
It’s not blended learning – that’s a combination of eLearning and virtual.
It’s not distance-learning – tends to be done at university level, tends to be by correspondence with the instructor and with virtual groups.
Here’s what you need to know about virtual classroom training:
Make sure you check out the virtual PMO Learning classroom courses coming up and gain access to our quality instructors wherever you are in the world.