What Specialist Courses to Consider!

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At PMO Learning, as well as certification courses we also have a range of specialist courses available to develop your skills and knowledge further and benefit your organisation and PMO. These specialist PMO courses go hand in hand and can follow on from many of the certification courses! The wheel below shows the different courses …

Setting Up a PMO Taster Session

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On the 19th August, we hosted our Setting Up a PMO Taster Session – we met with PMO Learning Director, got an understanding of our virtual classroom, and found out more about the two day course designed to walk you through the practical steps in the set up of a PMO. If you missed the session, …

The PMO Implementation Roadmap

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We’re going to be taking a closer look at one of the most important aspects of our two day Setting Up a PMO course – the PMO Implementation Roadmap. Let’s take a look at an overview of the roadmap, before looking at each stage in turn. The scale and complexity of the roadmap within organisations …

Reflections on Setting Up a PMO – A Trainers View

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This week, we’re talking to our Setting Up a PMO trainer, and PMO coach, Graham Burke. Graham is talking through his experiences leading the course and what you can expect as a delegate! Are you new to PMO? Have you been asked to set up a PMO, because you look like you know something about …

Setting Up a PMO Webinar from PMO Learning

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On the 20th of January, PMO Learning Directors Eileen Roden and Lindsay Scott delivered a webinar with BCS (British Computer Society) entitled ‘How to Setup a PMO’, covering a range of topics including What kind of PMO is required? What resources are needed to implement a PMO successfully? How can we measure the success of …

How Can we Measure the Success of a PMO?

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Our Setting Up a PMO series continues in this final installment. We’ve covered What Resources are Needed to Implement a PMO Successfully? As well as What Kind of PMO is Required? This installment will tackle the question: How Can We Measure the Success of a PMO? What aspects should we consider when measuring the success of …

What Kind of PMO is Required?

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On the 20th of January, PMO Learning Directors Eileen Roden and Lindsay Scott delivered a webinar with BCS (British Computer Society) entitled ‘How to Setup a PMO’, covering a range of topics including what kind of PMO is required? What resources are needed to implement a PMO successfully? How can we measure the success? With …

What Resources are Needed to Implement a PMO successfully?

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When Setting Up a PMO, it can be difficult to get to grips with the many aspects to consider – from developing the framework to stakeholder engagement all the way through to rollout, there is a lot to take into account. Here, PMO Learning can help. Our Setting Up a PMO two day course seeks …

How Can PMO Learning Help With Setting Up a PMO?

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Here at PMO Learning we have some exciting events coming up in 2021 for those who are looking to set up and establish a successful PMO. PMO Learning Course PMO Learning also hosts a two day course, Setting Up a PMO, which walks you through the practical steps in the set up of a PMO.  …

Setting up a PMO with PMO Learning

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We’ve got some great upcoming courses and events for those looking to establish a a PMO within their organisation. We have a fantastic two day virtual course coming up in November, Setting Up A PMO, a hands-on course and workshop which walks you through the practical steps in the set up of a PMO.  Delegates will …

The Project Office of One or Two

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Did you know that the most common type of PMO is a PMO of one? That’s right, a PMO that just has one person working within it – someone who provides a limited set of services because there is only one person to do the work. That’s closely followed by a PMO of two – …

Setting Up a PMO – P3O® or not?

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The Portfolio, Programme and Project Office (P3O®) has long been the go-to certification training for PMO practitioners. It came into the marketplace back in 2008 and back then it was a much-welcomed addition to the training options available for PMO practitioners. The guidance, from the same stable as PRINCE2®, MS®P etc. It also follows a …

The Drug Cabinet of PMO Services

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A modern PMO offers services to the business – services that help the organisation to ultimately choose the right programmes and projects to deliver and to deliver those programmes and projects well. Regardless of all the different types of PMOs that are out there – one thing is universally true about them – they’re all …

The Very Definition of PMO

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The Setting Up a PMO two-day course we piloted a few weeks back (you can check that out here) was a real eye-opener in lots of ways. Although I’ve been in and around PMOs for many years now, it’s almost like we forget the most simple of things, the fundamentals, if you like, when it …

What is the Burning Need for a PMO?

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That’s the question that anyone who is just about to embark on setting up a PMO should be able to answer. It’s having a clear answer – or even several different answers from different people – that drives what kind of PMO is going to get set up. One problem we see, over and over, …

Support Based PMO Vs Service Based PMO

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There’s a great analogy about PMOs that we can use to highlight the changes we’ve been seeing in how PMOs have been evolving. PMOs are moving from providing generic support to projects and programmes – what kind of support? Well, anything we want to!  To start to think about having a defined list of services. …