The 6 Themes Of Portfolio Management

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In our last blog, we reflected on the fact that within the next four years, most organisations will have an Enterprise-wide PMO, supporting strategy definition to strategy execution, focusing on choosing the right investments. Enterprise-wide Portfolio management was defined as an ecosystem, containing an integrated set of strategic processes and arrangements that together enable the …

Developing Your PMO Leadership Skills

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You’re great at what you do and that has put you in a position where you are either leading the PMO agenda for your business or heading up a team. Up to now, your success has been down to your PMO knowledge – but now that’s not enough, you know you are going to be …

Using Coaching Skills to Avoid the PMO Police!

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We’ve been running our Coaching Skills for the PMO course for over six months now, to great success, but we still get asked why we think coaching skills are so important for PMO professionals. We get it – when you think about developing your PMO skills, your mind doesn’t jump to coaching and when you …

My First Time on a PMO Learning Course

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A few weeks ago, I attended a PMO Learning course for the first time. Having spent a few months being introduced to PMOs from a training perspective, I knew there was a lot to learn – from the sheer number of acronyms, to the variety of services that PMOs can offer and how to put …