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10 Scary Things That Can Happen in PMO

A PMO plays a pivotal role in ensuring that an organisation’s objectives are met efficiently and effectively in projects. A PMO provides a variety of crucial and important elements including standardisation and consistency across project management practices, to ensure that all projects across an organisation have a higher chance of success. A PMO also aids …

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What Training Needs Would Most Benefit Your PMO Role?

Every PMO will have areas that they want to improve on, as a training company we provide training courses on specific areas that a lot of PMO practitioners may struggle with or need more knowledge to make a difference in their PMOs. We are also always looking to be innovative and get ahead of the …

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PMO Summer School

We love the idea of a PMO summer school! Traditionally summer schools are run by educational establishments when regular school hours are over for the summer. Learners often use them to ‘continue learning, explore new subjects, catch up on missed coursework, or gain additional academic credits’. They often have various programmes and sessions – some …

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Welcome Onboard – The PMO New Starter Checklist

One of the main tasks of a good PMO professional or PMO Administrator is being the central point of contact – or “go-to” person for everything that’s happening in and around the project. For a project manager, they become the indispensable, trustworthy, right-hand man and significant other in a tightly bonded relationship. That’s also why …

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