Why is Portfolio Prioritisation so important for the PMO?

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During the last delivery of Unlocking Business Agility through Portfolio Management, the audience took me somewhat by surprise when “Portfolio Prioritisation” was chosen by a few as part of their learning objectives. We were able to address the unexpected specific need by introducing an additional session, but it still begs the question “Why is Portfolio …

5 Tips for Active Listening

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We’re still loving the PMO Competency Framework – so over a series of blog posts, we’re going to be taking a more in-depth look at some of the 51 different key skills, and 16 key behaviours outlined in the framework. Firstly we’re looking at one of the ‘Self’ skills identified – active listening. The PMO …

Measuring Benefits – An Overview for the PMO

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One of the biggest challenges when looking at Benefits Management is identifying what metrics we can use to measure benefits. The first point to recognise is that organisations already measure metrics that are important to them. Some measured metrics are fairly universal in organisations – profit, revenue, employee turnover etc. However, others will vary depending on …

The Deming Cycle and the PMO

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The Deming Cycle, also known as PDCA was made popular by W. Edwards Deming. The cycle is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products. Let’s take a look… Plan In this stage, we must understand the objectives we are looking to achieve, and establish …

Reporting – The Sword of Damocles for every PMO?

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Note: For this article, no differentiation has been made between project, programme or portfolio reporting or indeed operational reporting. The phrase ‘Sword of Damocles’ refers back to an ancient parable of the Roman philosopher Cicero and is used to mean a sense of impending doom. One of the most common and often most critical service …

AI and the PMO Webinar

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Next week, on the 21st April 2021, PMO Learning’s Director Lindsay Scott will be taking part in a free webinar titled ‘Adaptive PMO Series: Leverage Artificial Intelligence for Organizational Agility‘ The virtual event looks to explore the advantages of PMO leaders embracing the use of artificial intelligence (AI), in particular – stronger organizational agility. Hear …

Mind the PMO Gap!

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The PMO Competency Framework by the House of PMO has been created to provide a standard and a toolset to allow PMO professionals to understand, assess and develop the skills, behaviours and experience to achieve their PMO goals and career potential. We’re going to be taking a closer look at what a competency framework is, …

How to get the most out of your PMO Training!

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I recently read a chapter of Things Your PMO is Doing Wrong by Michael Hatfield, specifically the chapter entitled Training and Certification. As part of a training company, this naturally gave me a lot to consider about how our customers can get the most out of their training. Initially, I would like to take a look …

Explaining Your Role in the PMO

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When telling people you work within a PMO, it can be difficult to explain what it is you actually do. It can be even more confusing explaining what PMO means, when in different organisations the definition differs, and the massive variety of different job roles and titles that can be found in the PMO. From …