PMO Services – Benefits Management

The PMO service catalogue has the potential to be quite a hefty offering. In P3O® there are 28 services (detailed in Appendix F, the PMO favourite) and if we add to that all the organisational specific services that might also be carried out by the PMO, that could be a lot of work!

PMO Learning’s courses go into the services offered by the PMO in varying degrees. The P3O® Foundation covers the need for them and introduces the service catalogue. The course goes deeper than that with how to design and introduce services.

What doesn’t exist in any of the two PMO certifications is the detail and depth around any of the services.

That’s to be expected, any course that does that would realistically be degree course in length!

Benefits Management

What PMO Learning aims to do is provide education and learning around the main service offerings, and especially those where traditionally there has been a challenge.

Benefits management has certainly proved to be one of those over the years, which is why it is one of the first we tackled.

Ideally, a course like this gets attended by several different people within the organisation. Who would attend?

Anyone who will be performing the key roles:

Benefits Management and the PMO


So far the course has been run in-house with these key people. And earlier this year, scheduled a few open public courses for people looking to understand the fundamentals of benefits management.

Fundamentals of Benefits Management

For a lot of people, it is the fundamentals that are needed to then understand how benefits management works in the context of the organisation and how PPM runs and operates.

The fundamentals then lead to conversations and the unearthing of current key practices and how those may need to flex and change for benefits management to work. The journey to get to the pot of gold (benefits!) at the end of the project or programme rainbow is never a straight and easy path.

The role of the PMO completely overarches the benefits management lifecycle – providing the mechanical support of providing templates; tracking & reporting; documenting the framework and associated processes. The PMO also provides support for the key roles and stakeholders. The communication and information flows; the regular meetings; the advisory and education role.

Understanding Benefits Management

The Fundamentals of Benefits Management one day course is just enough – not all roles need the 5-day Managing Benefits certification based course nor would be willing and able to attend (especially sponsors and execs!)

The course we run is as if the PMO in an organisation were asked to devise a course and run it in-house for their execs, sponsors and delivery managers.

Typically the course runs for around 12-14 people and if you’re interested in bringing it in-house, you can get in touch here.

If you’re looking to experience the course for yourself, we’re running another open public course next month and you can take a look at that here.

The P3O® courses on this page are offered by PMO Learning. P3O® is a [registered] trade mark of AXELOS Limited. P3O® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

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