Benefits Management has long been near the top of the backlog for many organisations/PMOs – either to introduce or improve Benefits Management in the organisation.
There are several courses (and books) that go into detail of Benefits Management, touching on all stage of the PMO Lifecycle . . .
Benefits identification
Benefits evaluation
Benefits Planning
Benefits Realization
Benefit Review
The challenge for many PMOs is understanding how to introduce or improve elements at each stage of the lifecycle. There is a lot to consider – context, process and importantly behaviours.
As ever, there is no single answer that will work for each organisation. Our course here at PMO Learning helps each delegate understand the particular challenges at their organisation and some strategies and tactics to address them.
The course can be delivered inhouse where a PMO team can workshop their own situation.
On a public course, delegates are able to be part of the collective wisdom of the class in working through their own challenge and contribute to the challenges of others.
We have a taster session this Friday 13th January at 12 noon GMT which will give you an insight into the end-to-end Benefits Management process and how the course helps PMOs to identify where they can contribute, and the challenges involved.
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