These past couple of weeks we have been focusing on Assurance!
Effective and timely assurance is increasingly seen as critical to the success of projects. Carrying out the right reviews at the right time can help keep a project on course – or get it stopped if it’s going wrong! But assurance is much more than just reviews; it’s about everything that happens in and around a project to ensure risks are properly managed and that good decisions are made.
Last week we decided to look at The Top 5 Things Every PMO Practitioner Needs To Know About Assurance!
- The need for objectivity
- Three lines of defence
- How to plan assurance activities
- Working with senior managers to give your assurance teeth
- Knowing which assurance activities will work in your organisation
If you want to learn more about Assurance and understand all the theory behind each of these 5 things listed above, then take a look at our 2-day specialist course, Assurance for PMO Professionals! This course will also describe how you as a PMO professional fit into the project assurance landscape, and how you can help ensure that project assurance is effective and efficient.
If you want to find more about the course and what training looks like with PMO Learning, we recently ran an Assurance for PMO Professionals Taster Session! Click here to watch the recording!
Check out the next Assurance for PMO Professionals course or click here to read more about the course and book your place!
If you want to ask any questions or discuss the course in more detail, click here to get in touch with us.
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